CM/ECF Frequently Asked Questions

Match word(s).

When I copy the URL address from the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) receipt into a browser (as instructed), it brings me to a PACER login screen. Why?

You must login to CM/ECF using your PACER account to get your one free look. You will not be charged for viewing a document you access through the notice you received from us. PACER keeps track of the free look, so save or print the document if you need to as you will be charged for your next viewing of the same document. If you do not have a PACER account, you can apply for one by calling 800-676-6856 or you can register on line at

Related Topics:
* I'm having problems with my internet provider and I have not received my electronic notices. What should I do?

* I have filed a notice of appearance but I'm not receiving notices. How do I fix this?

* How do I link my PACER account to my ECF account?

* What happens when I am on vacation and I don't have access to e-mail?

* I filed an appearance in a case, but have since the left the firm. What do I need to do to stop receiving notices?

* In training we were told you get one free look at the document when you receive a Notice of Electronic Filing. How does it work, since we still have to login to PACER?

* Local Rule requires a Certificate of Service, but how do I know who I have to serve by paper?

* I received a notice of electronic filing in a case I'm involved in but there was no link or text after the line: "Copy the URL address on the line below into the location bar of your Web browser to view the document: or Document Number:"

* Do I need to use a client code when logging into PACER or ECF?

* I've registered for and received a CM/ECF login account, but I still get a login screen when I try to search for case information. Why?

* May I add a client's email address to my account?

* I added additional email addresses to my noticing list however, now I am not getting any notices. Why?

* I'm not receiving notices in cases in which I am involved. I've registered for ECF and have a login and password. What's wrong?

* What should we do when an attorney leaves the firm?

* I receive e-mails from the Court, but I just can't read the body of the message. What's wrong?

United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts

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